Sunday, April 25, 2010

Random post...

I like to play chess a lot... Because it is so fun!
I hope that my dad will buy me a new chess set! Like the picture below... It is so beautiful!
I really like it!

Today was so tiring... I slept from 3p.m. to 7p.m.... So now I cant really sleep...
Miss her a lot... She didn online today... Sad >.<
so bored without her...
hopefully can see her on monday...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bad Time-ing...

Aiyah... Why her mom want to come at this moment!!! I cant hug her liao lor...
So sad T.T
Haiz... I love to hug her...
Hopefully one day I can kiss her... Haha, me=pervert
And guys... just ignore the post on 18th April...

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Brand New Day!!!

Yesterday was great. I bought a watch from B.U.M, the watch is black in colour and its quite expensive T.T, but it was paid by my dad^^haha... But I will take good care of it and love u, papa...

I also clean up my messy room, and now it really looks very comfortable and tidy... Thats great! Congrats me!

I went out with Chris, Kenny, PKee and JYew on Saturday... We went to Old Town to have some coffee and deserts, then we were just chatting... The freaking dude- Christopher was late for 20 minutes and we just forced him to belanja us. But in the end, he didnt belanja us bcoz 4 of us are very kind one, we just pranked him only... But next time, you wont be so lucky... Haha...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Im a Looser...

Im dead now...
Travis... Already gone...

Im an idiot...

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Lately i get mad easily... Dunno why maybe bcoz of those freaking homework and assignments. And I felt jealous when I saw her playing, laughing or whatever lar with the guys!!! Especially with the Mr. K, f*ck you, freaking dude! #@x&%*

Haiz... Im really in love!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Final Fantasy Rocks!!!

I started to love final fantasy when I was playing the final fantasy games since I was in primary school... Then I started to watch final fantasy movies... The ff VII Advent Children was so great! Love it! All the main characters in ff looked so handsome and gorgeous!!!

My favourite final fantasy:
Final Fantasy 8 - Squall and Rinoa

Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children

Final Fantasy 13

Dead and Gone

Nothing to post...
I just love this song- dead and gone by T.I and Justin Timberlake
Just love the song...
And Happy Birthday To Jeff!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


??? Why I always post about her? Bcoz I love her too much and miss her every single day... I really do!
I was so regret that I cant scores good marks in my exam...
I was so regret that I didnt study hard before the exam...
I was so regret that I didnt follow my sis to TS... bcoz staying at home was very boring but I will try to study...
I was so regret... ... ... ... ... ...
I was so regret... ... ... ... ... ...
I was so regret... ... ... ... ... ...

I was so happy when i saw you laughing and you smile to me too... You also said that Im the guy who always make you laugh, I was so happy! Love your smile, it was so sweet^^