Saturday, June 26, 2010


Doing homework at the class… [seriously]

Then I accidentally heard the girls that sitting behind me talking about menstruation =.=
Me and J.P were like, huh? kinda embarrassed lar…
But it was ok, guys also need to know a little bit more about menstruation right?
Although we learned that in form 3 ady.
And they told both of us that its very painful! Sometimes it can be worse than stomachache! Wow, I cant really imagine that…

Girls/Women are great, like my mom and sis, they sayang me a lot… Including Christine aka grandma or mummy… Mummy (Christine), you love me right?
So conclusion is guys must take good care of girls…

Friday, June 25, 2010

It finally ends…

Wheeee~~ Erm… I mean its Friday now, so I am so excited! The whole busy week finally ends… So I can just stay at home and relax…

Time passed so quickly… … … Its 1 a.m. now.
The time that I can chat with you passed faster than right now… I wonder why? @.@
Time to go to bed… ZZzzz
Hope that I can dream of you tonight, wearing… errrr… ahem… [coughing]
Haha… Im not pervert, ok!
I hate you Justin Bieber! So young and so talented! Why I don’t have a great voice like him… [jeolus] And… and… and… he has so many pretty girls around him…
Still loving Adam Lambert! He has a very huge and special voice.
Im a really serious guy but not most of the time… I think

I love all of my friends. Good night, everyone!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Esther's hair was kinda funny so I keep laughing in the whole time, haha... I cant stop laughing when I looked at her... Not even me, Vincent also keep on laughing. So you guys can imagine how funny and weird her hair was. Sorry, dont be mad, ok? I cant control myself... But it was kinda cute... I love my friends and we like to tease each other...
The camp was very fun too! Manny funny things happened at there...
And finally she came back! I miss her a lot...
Haha, she let me hug her for quite long ^^

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I am addicted to the NCIS!!! They are so cool! Love them ^^

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good one! Wanna try too!

Miow told me something that it was quite good to do at someone when you are very angry but you cant kick his ass…

Person A: I am so sorry about yesterday incident…
Person B: Its okay, I forgive you…

Person A: *smile* Thanks. I know I am a hot-tempered guy but how can you always be so generous…
Person B: By washing the toilet.

Person A: *curious* Huh? How does it help?
Person B: Simple! By using your toothbrush…

Person A: … … @.@

Monday, June 14, 2010

Totally Suck…

Im sick because of you!!! You! You! You!
My life would suck without you!

I didn see her for few days only and I miss her like hell ady…
Because of me really fell in love with you…
But never mind, just have fun with your friends and enjoy the activities…
And… and… and… please remember to miss me too…

Omg! Homework hasn’t done yet! Gotta go… Bye everyone!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

[Its a wonderful song... And I really love it!]

A Boring Holiday…

Do you guys agree? A holiday full of homework, assignments and tuttion… Hectic!!!
Haiz… still got much work to do. I hope I can hang out with my friends, miss them a lot!
Tomorrow still have the PBC thingy, lazy to go… I want to sleep the whole day but Kenny will definitely drag me to go there…
Haiz, wish me luck!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Random post... again...

Sorry, Im bored...
But the pictures were great right?

说了几百次的- 我会用功读书,可是还是办不到,不过我这次的考试成绩都有进了...



Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Crystal Bowersox ROCKS

Crystal Bowersox is so brilliant and all the judges love her performance!!! She is so cool and she rocks everyone socks off! But I wonder why she didn’t win this competition maybe her popularity is less than Lee Dewyze… Lee is also a great singer but I prefer Crystal more than Lee…
Its fine, I SUPPORT BOTH!!!
Good luck and sing great songs for everyone!

Thanks for your call… [I really need it]

I cant see her for one week and I really miss her. Then I was so happy bcoz she just called me today… In the phone, she promised me that she will come tomorrow and Im so excited… She also asked me that whether I got miss her anot ^^
Chatting… … … …
Before we hang up our phone,
I said: I love you…
Then she replied: I know that ady… I love you too. Can you repeat again?
Me: I love you ^^
She laughed…
Me: Haha, do you accept it?
And finally she said that she accepts ady… … …